Ron Taylor, President
John Neubauer, Vice President
Patricia E Ploeger, Treasurer
Barbara M Bartfield, Secretary
Judy Kelley-Moberg
Susan Deborah Goldsmith
Christine B Neubauer
Roger Schwerkolt
Tara Montini
Rodney Hoffner
Milissa Boyer-Kafes
Dr Sarah Johnson
Robert Kerbstat
Arlene Owen
Valerie Mora
Vignettes of Patterson Vignettes of Patterson’s Past is our most recent publication and is a collection of Patterson’s histories in a hard back book, illustrated with maps, photos and more.

Click on the Buy It Now button to purchase. Or send a check for $30 which includes shipping and handling to:
Patterson Historical SocietyP.O. Box 534
Patterson, NY 12563
A Message from the Society’s President

Exhibit at Patterson Town Hall
The heart of any historical organization is its collections, since history begins with the surviving records of the past. The choice of how to curate those collections defines the organization. The Patterson Historical Society is not a museum, for we do not have the resources to preserve and exhibit a house or a large number of other relics; nor is the Society a research facility, for we do not have the extensive written records to justify, nor the staff to support such an enterprise. We are concerned with preserving larger remnants of the past. We exhibit some items at the Patterson Town Hall; and we are restoring the Old Burying Ground on Rt 311 across from Brickhouse Road.

Old Burying Ground (L-R) Russ Woron, Judy Kelley-Moberg, Ron Taylor, Frank Plunkett, Janet Cassidy, and kneeling, Patricia Ploeger
Our primary focus, nevertheless, is educational. The Society seeks out, conserves, interprets, and publishes information about Patterson’s past–a past that was a part of the cultures of the Housatonic-and-Hudson-Rivers region, our nation, and the world..
A Historical Society goal is to make all of our collections digitally accessible either on this website or through other websites–currently we have parts of our collections on New York Heritage and Wikitree and MyHeritage. Another goal is to contextualize the historic fragments. These contexts, whether geographical on an interactive map, generational in a regional genealogy web site or chronological in topical stories, we hope will help provide accurate insights into the past as well as an understanding of the historical process.
In 2007 the Society published Vignettes of Patterson’s Past which provides an overview of portions of the Town’s history. A more detailed narrative is being researched for the locale of Birch Hill, Haviland Hollow, and vicinity. View The Hollows.
We hope you enjoy the glimpses into the Town’s past. Should you like to join us in our exploration of the region’s historical traces, we welcome volunteers of all ages, talents, and time commitments for scanning, indexing, transcription, geolocation of historic remains, mapmaking, cemetery preservation, locating and copying relevant documents in national repositories, writing, administration, volunteer coordination, . . .